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All open calls for submissions will be listed here. If an opportunity is not listed, that means we're not open to those types of submissions right now. Subscribe to our newsletter for more updates!

O, Miami uses Submittable. If you don't have an account, it's free to set up.

Zip Odes

The Zip Ode, an original form invented by O, Miami, and WLRN, is designed to transform your zip code into an occasion for a place-based, lyrical celebration.

Write the numbers of your zip code down the left-hand side of the page. Each number determines the number of words in that line. You can now submit your five-line poem about your zip code year-round.

O, Miami Poetry Festival

The goal of the annual O, Miami Poetry Festival is for every single person in Miami-Dade County to encounter a poem.

Each festival begins on April 1 and ends on April 30. Mixing site-specific events, community gatherings, and poetry-in-public-places projects, the festival strives to be a celebration of Miami and its people.